Life’s Afterparty: Visions of a New Death
What kind of wonders exist in the great beyond? With Ayahuasca as my guide, here’s a trip to the other side.
What kind of wonders exist in the great beyond? With Ayahuasca as my guide, here’s a trip to the other side.
Recently, Sam Haselby asked “Do you think taking psychedelics will ever become a completely mainstream experience?” Here’s my reply.
Riding the on the wild trail of jungle music, as the millennium turned, and things got stranger, I ran into the bard…
Tobacco is a tremendous force, one of my closest friends and I love it. Since I’ve found no written resources for making mapacho — the powerful black tobacco of the Amazon — I’ve documented my own process here.
The quizzical mystical hysterical miracle spirit filled destination — one of many graduations from slow damnation — somehow, someway, someday; buy the ticket, change the station.
It’s not where we’re from, but it’s where we’re going.