Life’s Afterparty: Visions of a New Death
What kind of wonders exist in the great beyond? With Ayahuasca as my guide, here’s a trip to the other side.
What kind of wonders exist in the great beyond? With Ayahuasca as my guide, here’s a trip to the other side.
Recently, Sam Haselby asked “Do you think taking psychedelics will ever become a completely mainstream experience?” Here’s my reply.
Riding the on the wild trail of jungle music, as the millennium turned, and things got stranger, I ran into the bard…
Tobacco is a tremendous force, one of my closest friends and I love it. Since I’ve found no written resources for making mapacho — the powerful black tobacco of the Amazon — I’ve documented my own process here.
The quizzical mystical hysterical miracle spirit filled destination — one of many graduations from slow damnation — somehow, someway, someday; buy the ticket, change the station.
It’s not where we’re from, but it’s where we’re going.
If ayahuasca is swimming in the rivers, lakes, dreams and streams of contemporary cultural, then the frog is perched on a branch overhanging the water’s edge. Waiting and watching, its tadpoles dropping from a jelly-leaf-nest, into the current below, into our bloodstream. And it’s come on rapidly.